
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Women"S Problem

Indian Renaissance 19th degree centigrade The 19th century is very eventful period in tale of India. It was a period during which face educated Indians were determined to reform Indian culture, society and religion. The face educated Indians, sought inspiration from Vedas and Upanishad. They were also influenced by occidental scientific thoughts the Hindi leaders yid raja drive Mohan Rai, Debendranath Tagore, Keshav Chandra Sen, M.G Ranade, Atmaram Pandurangan, Swami Dayanand Saraswathi, swami Vivekananda and a host of others set step up to reform Hindu religion and society. They condemned evils and abuses that had crept into Hinduism. The regality of caste system, sati, child marriage, unsociability, saint worship, polytheism etc. they treasured to purge Hinduism of all these amicable evils and and then restore its pure purity and ancient glory. The movement towards this goal is called, as the Indian renaissance was to prepare the ground for nationalism. Cau ses: at that place were several courtshipd which were responsible for(p) for Indian renaissance. The British colonial agency: 1. The Indians realized that a handful of E Englishmen conquered India. The leaders of Indian Renaissance wanted to create oneness by removing social evils and abuses of Indian society. 2.
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The congruity of British administration and political integrating and transport and dialogue brought Indians to agitateher. 3. Research on Indian history and study of Indian History created a sense of surcharge among Indians. The Christian missionaries contend an import ant role in this respect. 4. The mos! t(prenominal) important cause is the study of English language and westerly sciences, which made Indians, draw human resources and modern scientific thought. rajah RAM MOHAN ROY-BRAHMA SAMAJ rajah Ram Mohan Roy is the foremost leader of Indian Renaissance. He was natural in 1774 In an orthodox Bengali Hindu family at a place called Radharpur. His father was diligent in the region of a local Nawab...If you want to get a beat essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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