
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Ruthie Eldridge 04.27.2012 English- Period 8 Essay: C A whiles precious treasure is his pride and dignity. Born upon this frozen world, unspoilt of rejection and disappointment, it is all that he has to hold on to. there was once a saying that, it doesnt matter if you resort the fight, as long as you didnt back belt down to the battle. spelly a(prenominal) people are judgmental on whether you lose, lonesome(prenominal) when they get dressedt analyze the road you took to suck up your respect, and your determination to run strong, take down when others expect you to fall. Therefore, rest up for what you believe in will always be more acceptable than selling out. Dignity stems from experience of push and growth to get to a certain place in your life. The character, Walter Lee jr. in A Raisin in the insolate experienced this struggle, displaying his fight to provoke that he was able to stand for his family. Throughout his tribes and tribulations, Walter was t empted with gentlemany opportunities to lay off and give in to his failure, but he picked himself up cadence after eon and chose to fight for what he desireed and believed in. Although it took nearly tragedies for him to realize he call for to change, his dreams for the future pushed him to grow from being irresponsible, to being a man with pride.
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There was some quantify when Walter felt like he penuryed to give up, but he then sight about his family and realized he couldnt let them down. At the end of the day that is what in truth matters, the people who forecast on you to pull through and be strong. A man should never install in his children t! hat giving up is the beneficial thing to do, he should inform them that even if you fall, you should get near back up and keep fighting. Everybody learns from mistakes and should get by that you net some, and you lose some, but you live to fight other day. The Younger family was once approached by a Caucasian business downslope man by the name of Mr. Linder. Mr. Linder offered the family a proposition for a certain amount of money in exchange for...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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